Watson’s Grimoire

  1. Pay Attention
  2. Stand up straight with your shoulders back
    1. Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
  3. Go into the unknown
    1. Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
  4. Do what is meaningful not what is expedient
  5. Embrace the suck
    1. Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
    2. Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
    3. Concept 8: I am a Victim…
  6. First commit, then do
    1. Concept 8: I am a Victim…
  7. Remember, you do life voluntarily
    1. Concept 3: Meditation and the Ego
  8. Want the best for people, including yourself
    1. Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
  9. Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie
  10. Be precise in your speech
  11. There must be some mystery in life
    1. Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
  12. Be grateful, life is a holy gift
    1. Concept 1: A Belief in Being
  13. Believe that Being is Good
    1. Concept 1: A Belief in Being
  14. It will all be ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end yet
  15. Accept the present, change the future
    1. Concept 2: Consistency
  16. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday not to someone else
    1. Concept 3: Meditation and the Ego
    2. Concept 8: I am a Victim…
  17. There is a logos inside you which can transcend life’s suffering
    1. Concept 2: Consistency
    2. Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
  18. Life’s purpose is greatest where there is the greatest adversity
    1. Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
    2. Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
  19. When faced with unavoidable suffering, Suffer bravely
    1. Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
    2. Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
  20. With determination as your shield and imagination as your sword, you can vanquish any Dragon
    1. Concept 2: Consistency
    2. Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
  21. Shudder before the Beautiful
    1. Concept 1: A Belief in Being
May the light lift you out before you pine away. Photo by Jethro Watson