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- Pay Attention
- Stand up straight with your shoulders back
- Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
- Go into the unknown
- Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
- Do what is meaningful not what is expedient
- Embrace the suck
- Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
- Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
- Concept 8: I am a Victim…
- First commit, then do
- Concept 8: I am a Victim…
- Remember, you do life voluntarily
- Concept 3: Meditation and the Ego
- Want the best for people, including yourself
- Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
- Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie
- Be precise in your speech
- There must be some mystery in life
- Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
- Be grateful, life is a holy gift
- Concept 1: A Belief in Being
- Believe that Being is Good
- Concept 1: A Belief in Being
- It will all be ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end yet
- Accept the present, change the future
- Concept 2: Consistency
- Compare yourself to who you were yesterday not to someone else
- Concept 3: Meditation and the Ego
- Concept 8: I am a Victim…
- There is a logos inside you which can transcend life’s suffering
- Concept 2: Consistency
- Concept 4: Are we Individuals or are we God?
- Life’s purpose is greatest where there is the greatest adversity
- Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
- Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
- When faced with unavoidable suffering, Suffer bravely
- Concept 5: Why We Are (Still) Here
- Concept 7: At least there is still suffering
- With determination as your shield and imagination as your sword, you can vanquish any Dragon
- Concept 2: Consistency
- Concept 6: What do you want to achieve with your life?
- Shudder before the Beautiful
- Concept 1: A Belief in Being
May the light lift you out before you pine away. Photo by Jethro Watson